
The editing process was very straight forward due to the planning and storyboarding which had took place before hand as I knew what it should look like. All the techniques and editing techniques which I was going to use had all be practised as well making this section of the production much quicker.

I started the editing with a base. This was a long video which was all one take, and I would dip in and out of that by adding shots on top of it. These clips where presented as shown below all the editing which I would do now would be based on theses clips. These clips where also synchronised with the audio to match any lip-syncing and dancing to the beats.

The next section of the editing was doing the beat blur for the fast passed section of the song.
this section was going to be the most tedious part of the editing process so it was key i did first to ensure I got it out of the way.

The video below shows how I completed this task.