This post shows another technique which I was trying on APP. I want to use this editing technique in my music video therefor to was essential I was able to do it before it comes to the final editing segment of the video. this will both save me time and effort as I will already know how to do it by then.

This technique is very smile and all it is channel blur under video effects. I found this technique by experimenting with some of the video effects as I wanted to add more aesthetics to the video, when a beat was added or when the artists made his distictive screeching noise which you will see in this video at 00:25 seconds. On top of the leave colour effect this should brighten up my video making it more personal to the artist as its black and white. meanwhile not to distracting the audience to much from the lyrics.
To do this technique i had to split the video each time there was a beat using the razor tool, this allowed me to add an effect on this section , where the beat was without effecting the rest of the video. by ding this it also allowed me to get a after cut for the blur meaning it was more striking and aggressive.

I had to play with the setting slightly, until I found the correct blur I wanted, I ended up just using the red blur and put that on to 200 for each of the segments as this gave a slightly blue and red overlay.
The video below is the final edit.