The video is simple moving video which is meant to let the audience focus on the gripping and clever play on words with in the lyrics. The video starts of looking very sad and lonely with the main character on his own and at this stage is very dark, But like all good stories there's always a good ending, as this song bursts in to a musical concussion of love, happiness and bliss, the once lonely character is surrounded my friends family and more.
The first shot is dark and cold, starting from the ground and rising up to a shot of the main character video.
The first section of the video is going to be one take, from the rising of the camera from the ground ago a mid shot of the character. this section is going to be very simple with limited cuts and editing as this is the section where the lyrics of the song are important. The camera will stay still for a large majority of the first verse focusing on the character in the centre of this scene. As the character is rapping they will be speaking directly to the audience and looking at them.
At certain points in the music video where the artists makes a distinctive screeching sound there will be a distortion on the image to emphasise this. This will keep the audience focused and connected with the video and its ads to the videos quirkiness and acid rap style. About mid way through the camera will start to zoom out slowly showing more and more of the artists body going I to a long shot. at this point the character will get more animated, showing more confidence and emotion, but the general mood of the video is still quite dull. This is still all going to look like one continuous shot, until the song starts to break to the hook, where the artists makes that distinctive screeching sound.