The second APP challenge was a green screen effects challenge. This challenge helped me improve and enhance my APP skills, so when it comes to making the final music video I would have the right skills and knowledge of the software to ale a good quality video.
We where given an Adele music video with the sound track a backdrop of a news room, clips of a student singing the same song and Mr Henton doing a introduction to the song.

we where asked to stick these together to make an introduction of the son then add willies on top of the original video and match the lip-syncing, meanwhile with no trace of Adele herself.

After I imported the clips I arranged them how wanted. This meant putting the layers as I wanted the video of Mr Henton above the studio clip. In this case the first layer was the studio and then the clip of Henton. I first had to crop the image of Henton using the Sixteen-point garbage Matte, which juts cuts parts of the video and leaves you with a smaller section. this was located in the Keying section of the video effects. I dragged this on top of the clip bar, and then cut it up.
The next step was to use the ultra key. I used this
by dragging it on top of the clip of Henton, when you click on the ultra key there's a tippet which leys you chose which colour you want to remove from this clip, as its on green screen we can just choose the colour green by clicking on it. the end result is shown in the image below. When watching the video you can see there marks where the ultra key has been used, this is because the green screen has creases, this is a key lesson to learn if I was to use the green screen at any point.
I'm not likely to use green screen in my video but this post does show the development in my skills on APP, furthermore I get to practice the lip syncing skills, in preparation for my actual video.