I then added the pen to the sketches, I was happy that it was clear to see, and it was going to easily show up on the animatic storyboard. On the other had it still looked very plane and needed slightly more detail, to give a better image of what I was trying to propose for the video. This will also allow other people looking at the storyboard to get a better understanding of the story line.
To further enhance the quality of the sketches and the animatic storyboard I used photoshop and a pen tablet to colour in some parts of the storyboard.

The photos below show the colour and details which I added to the storyboard.

This process was also very easy but this was a new skill I was learning which could come very useful when designing my Digi-pack and magazine cover. I first inserted the black bard which are at the top and bottom of the images this gave me a greater image of what the final finished video would look like in widescreen. All this involved was drawing a box as a new layer on top of the image. To then add the colour I created a new layer on top of the image. This ensures when I made a mistake and needed to rub it out, I would not get rid of the original image. When the new layer was added I then clicked on the brush tool selected the colour I needed, and the used the multiple layer tool so that it would colour translucent, and you can still see the drawing behind.
The image below shows the layers and tools selected to co this.
When all the images where completed and rendered to my specifications I then imported them into primer pro so that I could then turn them in to an animatic storyboard. Because all of the images where numbered in order, this was a real quick and easy process I then added the track beneath the images and made sure that all the times where correct and where linked to the actual track itself.
I added a few video traditions like cross fade to make it look better, when changing images this made the transitions look less harsh and more thought out.