Advanced Portfolio - What Is It?

For your Advanced Portfolio you have to produce a promotional package for a contemporary album of your choice which includes the following 3 media texts:

  1. A music video for a song from your chosen album (video : the main task)
  2. A CD Digipack design for your chosen album (print : the first ancillary task)
  3. A music magazine advertisement for your chosen album (print : the second ancillary task)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I work in a group?

No. You have to work individually.

What does 'contemporary' mean when choosing an album?

For the purposes of this task 'contemporary' means released from June 2010 onwards.

Can I choose any album from June 2010 onwards as the focus for my coursework?

No. You need to choose an album by an artist who is relatively unknown. We will discuss what this means at a later point in time.

What is a CD Digipack?

Don't worry. We will research this in due course.

I have already decided on my album. Is this OK?

No. Undecide quickly! You will not be asked to make a decision regarding your album choice until we have undertaken the research stages of the coursework.

I don't know how to use Adobe Photoshop. Will this mean I am disadvantaged when it comes to producing the two ancillary tasks?

No. You will be shown how to use Adobe Photoshop when this is required. However, all of the PCs and Macs have this programme available for you to use and it would be a good idea to try to learn a little more about how it works independently.